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Gregorian chant hymns and other devotional chants: music, audio recordings, and English translations. At a time when people are turning to music for comfort and solace, one man has taken on the mammoth task of bringing the entire Gregorian chant to the world, for free. Every day for three years, US musician John Anderson is recording the daily plainchant sung by a community of 45 nuns, who live in seclusion at the Abbey of Notre-Dame de. Calm Radio - Gregorian Chant. The Monks of the Abbey of Notre Dame - O Sacrum Convivium. Sports, music, news and podcasts. Hear the audio that matters most to you.
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Notation fundamentals
One-note neumes
Complex neumes
Separation bars
The clef
Text centering
Initial determination
Special characters
Text style
gabc is a simple notation based exclusively on ASCII characters that enables the user to describe Gregorian chant scores. The name gabc was given in reference to the ABC notation for modern music.
The gabc notation was developed by a monk of the Abbey of Sainte Madeleine du Barroux and has been improved by Élie Roux and by other monks of the same abbey to produce the best possible notation.
A small summary has been created, you can download it here. You must have basics of gabc to understand it, but it can help you remember some notations. It is made to be printed on A5 paper.
There is also a 'cheat sheet' available at

Files written in gabc have the extension .gabc
and have the following structure:
In each case, replace whatever is between the colon and semi-colon(:.;
) with the appropriate character string. Of theseattributes, only name
is mandatory. Descriptions of howthese header fields are intended to be used are below. If you wish towrite a value over several lines, omit the semicolon at the end of thefirst line, and end the attribute value with ;;
Some headers have special meaning to Gregorio:
KyrieX Alme Pater
or Sanctus XI
is recommended where appropriate.gabc-copyright: CC0-1.0 by Elie Roux, 2009 <>;
score-copyright: (C) Abbaye de Solesmes, 1934
, the orientation of an unconnected oriscus must be set manually.- There is a
defined immediately prior togregorioscore
. - The
header field is defined.
annotation:Ad Magnif.;
annotation:VIII G;
Full TeX markup is accepted:annotation:{color{red}Ad Magnif.};
annotation:{color{red}VIII G};
If the user already defined annotation(s) in the main TeX file via greannotation
then the annotation
header field will not overwrite that definition.Although Gregorio ascribes no special meaning to them, other suggested headers are:
- office-part
- The office-part is the category of chant (in latin), according to its liturgicalrôle. Examples are: antiphona, hymnus, responsorium brevium,responsorium prolixum, introitus, graduale, tractus, offertorium,communio, kyrie, gloria, credo, sanctus, benedictus, agnus dei.
- occasion
- The occasion is the liturgical occasion, in latin. For example,
Dominica IIAdventus
,Commune doctorum
,Feria secunda
. - meter
- For hymns and anything else with repetitive stanzas, the meter, thenumbers of syllables in each line of a stanza. For example, typical Ambrosian-style hymns: 4 lines each of 8 syllables.
- commentary
- This is intended for notes about the source of the text, such asreferences to the Bible.
- arranger
- The name of a modern arranger, when a traditional chant melody hasbeen adapted for new words, or when a manuscript is transcribed into square notation.This may be a corporate name, like
. - date
- The date of composition, or the date of earliest attestation. Withmost traditional chant, this will only be approximate; e.g.
XI. s.
for eleventh century. The convention is to put it with the latin style, like the previous examples (capital letters, roman numerals, s for seculum and the dots). - manuscript
- For transcriptions direct from a manuscript, the text normally used toidentify the manuscript, for example
Montpellier H.159
. - manuscript-reference
- A unique reference for the piece, according to some well-known system.For example, the reference beginning
in the Cantus database ofoffice chants. If the reference is unclear as to which system ituses, it should be prefixed by the name of the system. Note that thisshould be a reference identifying the piece, not themanuscript as a whole; anything identifying the manuscript as a wholeshould be put in themanuscript
field. - manuscript-storage-place
- For transcriptions direct from a manuscript, where the manuscript isheld; e.g.
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
. - book
- For transcriptions from a modern book(such as Solesmes editions;
goes back at least to the19th century revival), the name of the book; e.g.LiberUsualis
. - transcriber
- The name of the transcriber into gabc.
- transcription-date
- The date the gabc was written, with the following convention yyyymmdd, like 20090129 for january the 29th 2009.
- user-notes
- This may contain anytext in addition to the other headers -- any notes the transcriber maywish. However, it is recommended to use the specific header fieldswhere they are suitable, so that it is easier to find particularinformation.
After the %%
separator, (clef) text(notes) represents the description ofthe score. In the following sections, we will only talk about thissection, which is the heart of the notation.
Notation fundamentals
We have chosen to represent pitch using a single character. One character corresponds to one written pitch: whatever the clef may be, a position on the staff will still be represented by the same character. With this system, anyone will be able to type scores, even people who are unfamiliar with solfege or do not know much about music theory.
There are 13 possible pitches in Gregorian chant scores, which are represented by letters from a
to m
that is, 13 characters. For the rare pieces with a broader range, the clef changes.
The inconvenience of this choice is that it only corresponds to English notation (notes A through G) when the do-clef is on the top line of the staff, and even then only for the low notes on the staff.
Correspondence between letter and staff position
One-note neumes
In the notation adopted, a lower-case letter from a
to m
, represents a punctum quadratum, a square note, and an upper-case letter (A through M), a punctum inclinatum, a diamond-shaped note, which are less frequently used.
For the oriscus pointing in the direction of the next non-unison note add an o
or use o0
for an oriscus pointing down, o1
for an oriscus pointing up. A stropha is coded by adding a s
, etc.
Nota Bene: There are actually two puncta inclinata glyphs, one shaped for an ascending series of such notes and one for a descending series. While there are algorithms which should automatically select between these two glyphs based on the surrounding notes, you can force the selection of a particular shape with G0
(for descending) and G1
(for ascending).
Complex neumes
To compose a neume with more than one note, you simply type the letters corresponding to the notes, without worrying about the connections between them. These will be calculated automatically. In the following examples, the caption to each image shows the letters in gabc notation which correspond to the image.
Example of complex neume
When there is a quilisma within a neume, you type a w
after the corresponding pitch.
Of course there are cases in which a sequence of notes can be written in more than one way. These cases are described in the section Determination of the neume according to the sequence of notes.
Gregorio will automatically add virgae (the thin vertical stems) to most note groups which require them. If you require a virga which does not normally appear it can be added to the note with v
(virga on the right) or V
(virga on the left). If an unwanted virga appears, it can be suppressed by prepending the note group with a @
Separation bars
Separation bars indicate a pause in the chant, so punctuation signs have been chosen to represent them.
The separation bars
When a bar is located between two syllables, you must put it in as a separate syllable, as for example, jus(g) (::) Di(g)
When a colon ( :
) in the text is immediately followed by a bar, you must type the colon with the preceding word, and not after the note: for example, jus :(g) (:)
instead of jus(g) :(:)
The clef
The way to notate the clef is using two or three characters:
- a letter corresponding to the clef symbol:
for the do clef orf
for the fa clef - an optional
to indicate if there is a flat on the clef - a number between corresponding to the line on which the clef is written. For this purpose, the lines are numbered from the bottom (
) to the top. The number must not be greater than the number of lines specified in thestaff-lines
header (usually 4, but could be as high as 5 or as low as 2).
Starting in v4.1 it is possible to print two clefs at the same time. The clefs are linked by a @
and will be printed one over the other if there is room, otherwise the second clef (after the @
) will be pushed to the right to prevent a collision. When determining the position of a custos automatically, GregorioTeX will always use the first clef.
Sample double clefs
It is very simple to write text and neumes: the letters corresponding to the notes are typed in parentheses after the syllable to which they correspond.
To delineate words, you simply put a space between them. We can now give an example of the final notation:
The text here is Populus Sion and each syllable is followed by the corresponding neume between brackets.
Here we have to consider the case of text characters located under a separation bar. These characters are principally asterisks indicating repeated sections and other signs indicating the structure of the piece. In those cases, we choose to treat such a character as if it were a syllable: for example,
Si(hi)on,(hgh) *(;) ec(hihi)ce(e)
.When there is no character under a separation bar, we proceed the same way, but with a space instead of text:
Text centering
In Gregorian chant, aligning the neumes with the text is important so that the singer can match them up appropriately. By default, Gregorio automates this using the rules described on the page about the writing of chant. However, these rules, which are traditional to Latin text, may not give the desirable result in all cases. As a result GregorioTeX provides two alternate rule sets: centering the whole syllable under the first neume and centering the first letter of the syllable under the first neume. To use these rules you will need to use the gresetlyriccentering{syllable}
or gresetlyriccentering{firstletter}
command, respectively, in your TeX file. gresetlyriccentering{vowel}
will change things back to the default rules.
Additionally, if it is necessary, it is possible to control the portion of a particular syllable which is used for alignment. To do this, put the part of the text to be aligned between braces (in the gabc). For instance, in the following example the neumes will align with the center of 've' instead of the first 'e':
Initial determination
The initial is automatically recognized by gregorio as the first letter. You can use the gabc attribute initial-style
in the header to set its size. The values corespond to number of lines the intial takes up: 0
(there is no initial), 1
(the default), or 2
(the initial takes up two lines).
Note that in the case of a syllable composed of one letter only, GregorioTeX automatically adds a hyphen under the first notes. To disable this feature, use the command gresetemptyfirstsyllablehyphen{auto}
Special characters
It can happen that the texts of Gregorian chants contain unicode characters which are not easily accesible from the keyboard. Examples of this sort of character are ý
, ǽ
, œ́
, the barred R (℟ for Response), and the barred V (℣ for Versicle). There is also the possibility of a non-unicode character such as the barred A (for Antiphon).
Free Gregorian Chant Music Monks
Gregorio will allow the use of any unicode character directly entered via your platform's character picker or a keyboard shortcut. In the case where it is not possible to insert special characters in either of these ways, you can be use <sp>
markup tags, for example <sp>R/</sp>
for the barred R, <sp>'ae</sp>
for ǽ. This also works for the barred A, even though it is not in the unicode table: <sp>A/</sp>
markup tags to enter a character using it's TeX code: Free Gregorian Chant Sheet Music
for æ.Text style
Even though text is rarely styled in a chant score, gabc allows for some markup to apply styles to the text: they are <i>
for italic, <b>
for bold, <u>
for underline (does not work in Plain TeX), <c>
for colored (specifically in gregoriocolor
), and <sc>
for small capitals.
For example: <i>Ps.</i>(::)
You have now read the basics of the gabc notation, you can go on the details page if you want to know more!
other Devotional Chants
Purpose: Contributors to this website provided the music and audio recordings for the sole purpose of learning and teaching individual chants. Music and English translations are used with permission from Schola Sanctae Scholasticae, UK; St. Cecilia’s Abbey UK; Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, France; Pluscarden Abbey, Scotland; Church Music Association of America; and Society of St. Bede. These materials are made available for personal, congregational, or institutional use; but may not be sold for profit. Please acknowledge the original source (music score or recording) in publications (e.g., booklets for specific Mass, first communion, confirmation, funeral, etc.) by referring to citation in the “Download Latin text or music score” PDF (right column). We encourage you to also purchase original publications and recordings (CD) from the listed contributors.
NOTES: Please use browser SAFARI. The audio files are not completely working in CHROME and not displaying in FIREFOX.
* Links to Download mp3 files for audio files from Pluscarden Abbey have been deactivated. Links to purchase via iTunes will be provided when available. If you would like audio files from Plusccarden Abbey, please purchase CDs on-line from the Pluscarden Abbey Shop.
* Additional recordings from St. Cecila’s Abbey can be purchased via iTunes and from the on-line St. Cecilia’s CD department.
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